
REVIEW: Semper Probiotic Drops

Colic? Sounds very familiar, right? Mommies, we all know that this makes a living hell out of our lives. I can not conjure a much better description for that so pardon my blatancy.  :)When Jules was 1 month old, she was not only gassy and her poop bordering to watery, she would´t want me to put her down or let my husband take over for a minute without her crying. My head was spinning and I thought I was gonna lose it. Being new to motherhood and all, I scoured the internet for solutions and tips for easing my baby´s colic. From frequent burping, tummy time, massage, warm bath and other measures not involving ingested concocted drinks or drugs (pharmaceutical, of course), I have tried it. Call me skeptical or preferably play-it-safe, I would always resort to the natural, non-invasive remedies first before doing anything groundbreaking. haha I get that from my mom (who is traditional and a tad superstitious as to speak).  

I came across probiotics and I was like, why did I never think of it? I drank Yakult when I was a kid and it is said to be loaded with good bacteria, aiding digestion and help regulate bowel habits and constipation. Who does not love Yakult? (Sigh of nostalgia.) Going back to present time, I took the trip to a local pharmacy and after explaining that my baby is gassy and I feel helpless, I  thought it was worth looking for a probiotic drop. The good pharmacist smiled and handed me Semper probiotic drops

Semper (Småfolk) is a Swedish company specialising on baby and toddler food for more than 70 years. Semper dråper (drops) is developed by BioGaia. The webpage is in Norwegian so google translate will come in handy. The drops contain Lactobacillus reuteri Protectis, a patented natural milk bacteria, which is naturally found in the intestines and breastmilk.

There is a million of L. reuteri protectis in just 5 drops. It can be used from 0 months and onwards. This has also a neutral flavour. The ingredients are as follows:

sunflower oil, coconut oi, palm kern oil and L. reuteri protectis.

It should be stored in room temperature, maximum of 25 C and opened bottles should be consumed within 3 months and stored also in room temperature.

So the question is, did it help?

The drops worked like a miracle! I am not kidding. Ok here´s what happened: I started giving it to Jules on a Monday. (Remember she was all gassy, bloated and her poop was on the watery side). She was passing gas all the time but she was not bothered by it at all. Come wednesday, her poop was normal- that of a breastfeeding baby- and her abdomen was not distended at all. She cried all the time before taking the drops, and that wednesday morning, it was the first morning when she did not even cry at all. The paranoid mom I am, I thought there was something wrong with her because she was not at all a silent baby. But it turns out, it was her colicky tummy that was bugging her all this time. :) 
I could never be happier!

There are other moms who don´t believe that probiotics can help, but after experiencing this, I am gonna suggest this to all moms I meet out there who has a gassy, colicky baby and is desperate for help. 

Of course, consider first if your baby´s crying is because of an underlying medical condition/cause but if not, I think probiotics is also a good alternative.

So what do you think? Have you tried other remedies for colic? Share it too!


  1. This article has some great and useful information about this subject. Thank you for sharing it in an easy to read and understandable format. Gift ideas for new moms

  2. Thank you so much for this information. It helps me a lot and convinced me to buy this for my baby
